First, it hurts, and it will hurt. Time does dampen the pain, and yes, you do have to confront the pain. Admit to yourself that you're heart-broken, that you never imagined life would be this way. Cry, talk to friends and family, keep talking! If you have faith in God, talk to him. If you don't have faith in God, talk to yourself while on long walks.
Second, grief is a part of what you're feeling. You're grieving dead dreams and dead hopes. That's part of your hurt. So grieve. Feel bad for your loss, feel sorry for yourself. Eventually you'll get sick of it. You'll get tired of feeling like crap, and tired of thinking about how happy your lover must be without you.
Then you can get mad. After you're done feeling like a doormat, you're ready to get over him/her and start enjoying your life again. Talk! Admit all the things that you really didn't like about that person. Think about the crap you don't have to put up with now and the freedom you've regained. You've been set free, you've been given a do-over! Spend time with your friends, do something new, get a friggin hobby!
And then, as difficult as it is: Forgive. Yes, you can do it. It takes time, it takes effort and it will help. Repeat whatever mantra helps. "It wasn't meant to be." "We have different ideals and want different things." Forgive that person for not being perfect, for not being your ever-lasting love. It's okay. You can remember the stuff you did like about that person. Be glad you have good memories, chalk it up to experience, and know you are wiser for having had that relationship. If nothing else, it should have taught you what you want and expect from another person, and maybe next time, you'll remember not to compromise your ideals.
Lastly, you'll hope. Not for the return of your lover, but for the return of love. Maybe the old one, maybe a new one. Accept you cannot force love from another person, but know you have the power to be receptive to it. Hope, hope hope! Life has a way of working out if we don't force it and control it too much. Relax a little and try to remember a couple of things:
All good things take time.
Good things come to those who wait.
Nobody ever said life was easy!
Take life a day at a time, for yesterday is over and tomorrow isn't here. Just live today.
You have not let go of the relationship. You are hanging on for hope. Once you have acknowledged that this relationship is over. You will be able to move on. The longer you deny its over, the longer you will be in pain
Also. Try to avoid them. Keep telling yourself, they not the one you. This realtionship is over! It is over. If one day they knocking down your door begging--its the only way you will even think of them for a minute. Look at Brad and Angelina--Do you want to be Jen in the situation--waiting? hoping?